DIY Bicycle Repair Stand from Scrap Wood

Come see how my husband created a bicycle repair stand out of scrap wood.

DIY Bicycle Repair Stand Bike Tutorial - Learn how to make a bicycle repair stand out of wood scraps. This frugal project goes together quickly and will help you to make adjustments to your bike without stressing out your body.

Are you a bike enthusiast? Do you get tired of bending over to make repairs or adjustments on your bicycle? Here is a simple and frugal solution that will save your back. It’s a homemade bicycle repair stand.

My husband loves bicycles. He has a hobby of gathering free bikes around the neighborhood that people have set out with their trash. He tinkers with the bikes and then gives them away or donates them to the local bicycle sustainability cooperative, which he’s a member of. He spends a lot of time volunteering at that coop, but he never complains about bending and straining because they have several bicycle repair stands.

He’s been asking for one here at home, but they are so expensive. I was encouraging him to make one. I even searched for some on Pinterest, but he wasn’t interested in any of those. One day he disappeared into the garage for a few minutes to ‘play bikes’, as my daughter calls it. He came in a little bit later and said that he can make a bike stand with scrap wood he has on hand. A free bike stand? That sounds great to me! I tagged along on the process to get photos to share with you here on the blog.

DIY Bicycle Repair Stand Bike

DIY Bicycle Repair Stand

You need to start with a wide base. For this, my husband used an old wooden shelf. He cut the shelf in half with a diagonal to form a two-piece base. Each piece is approximately 12″ x 30″.

Next, he decided to use a 2×6 for the main support of the stand. He happened to have one already cut to 55″, which worked out to be the perfect height for him.

He cut two brace pieces out of a 2×4 to flank each side of the main support. Those were attached to both the main support and the base pieces.

DIY Bicycle Repair Stand Bike Tutorial Base

He used the same 2×4 to cut the two 15″ arm stands. He used a saw and chisel to form a notch near the end of each of those for a place to rest the bike.

DIY Bicycle Repair Stand Bike Tutorial Arms

He didn’t want the bikes to rub on the wood, so he glued down pieces of silicone from an old jar opener grip.

DIY Bicycle Repair Stand Bike Tutorial Grips

Finally, he attached a wooden toolbox to the back of the stand to hold his bicycle tools. We had a toolbox that our oldest made years ago and didn’t want anymore. My husband attached a small block of wood to the back of the main support and then rested the toolbox on it, screwing them all in place.

DIY Bicycle Repair Stand Bike Tutorial Attach Toolbox

My husband used a variety of 1-2″ screws on the project.
Large clamps help hold a bicycle in place.

DIY Bicycle Repair Stand Tutorial

My husband completed this project in about an hour. He’s very proud of it. A buddy that he commutes with came by the next day and immediately noticed it and was impressed.

I think my husband is a total stud muffin because he came up with this on his own, he made it out of scraps we had on hand, and he didn’t spend any money to create it.

DIY Bicycle Repair Stand Tutorial for Bikes

We’ve done a few projects like this together over the years, and we are always so proud of our work. I’m in the process of designing a simple bike rack that I will have for you in a few weeks. Have you ever created anything out of scrap wood you have on hand?

Make Your Own Bicycle Repair Stand Bike Tutorial - Learn how to make a bicycle repair stand out of wood scraps. This frugal project goes together quickly and will help you to make adjustments to your bike.

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  1. It’s genious, but I am affraid for the stabilitye when I work at my bike (excuse my english)

  2. That’s biketastic, I’m inspired to make my own now, as I’m about to start training as a cycle mechanic, and I have a level 1 in Carpentry!!!!


  3. This is such a great idea. Saving your back when it is time to be repairing the bicycles for the summer.

  4. This is great. We really need to make one of these. We’ve had quite the bike experience this year with my son’s chain falling off a lot and his pedal falling off mid ride…poor guy.

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