Want to make your own bouquet for your man for Valentine’s Day? Make this candy and tool bouquet. He’ll love this tool and candy basket.
Create this DIY Ugly Christmas Sweater with a $1 craft kit. You will be ready for a holiday party in minutes with this easy tutorial.
Create a custom Nutcracker ballet bouquet to give to your favorite ballerina after her performance. The bouquet can be adapted to other performances. My daughter performed in The Nutcracker over the weekend. She was very excited to be a soldier and dragon legs this year. Every time she has a performing arts performance I give …
Here is a DIY Dog Heating Pad that will keep your pooch warm during the cold of the winter. This Heating Bed is made with a fleece blanket and heat packs.
Learn how to create fun tie-dye socks at home. Make them for yourself or gift them to someone as part of a pampered foot gift basket.
Create this quick and easy coffee cozy with an old sock. No crafting skills required! It’s perfect for any coffee container.