
Tie-Dye Girl Scout Party Meeting + Printables

Hold this colorful Girl Scout Tie-Dye party at your next meeting.

display of rainbow party food and gift bags

The new year of Girl Scouts is off and running and our troop just had our first meeting. Our girls love to do crafts and wanted to make a troop t-shirt, so I planned this awesome Girl Scout Tie-Dye meeting. See how to do a Girl Scout party or meeting like this yourself. Free rainbow party printables are available at the bottom of the post.

Girl Scout Tie-Dye Meeting

I had each girl and leader bring a washed white t-shirt. When they arrived I had the tie-dye station set up. Shirts were immediately dipped into a tub of water mixed with soda ash and then wrung out for the girls to tie. One table had rubber bands set up on it for the girls to tie up the shirts with. That table had instructions for various tie-dye techniques. I told the girls they could tie and color it however they want, but that they had to use all three colors provided. I wanted the shirts to have some uniformity to them. My daughter has done a lot of tie-dying with me, so she was able to assist other girls who needed help.

rainbow fruit salad arranged on a platter

Once the shirts were tied, they moved to the dying station, which was a table covered with plastic and cardboard. I purchased two dye kits that contained purple, lime, and turquoise. The girls took turns with the bottles and came out with some great designs.

How to Host a Tie-Dye Party

collage of directions for a tie-dye party

I had gallon-sized zip-top plastic bags ready with the girl’s names written on them. Each shirt was placed in its respective bag and zipped shut. Each girl took their shirt home at the end of the meeting along with instructions for rinsing and drying. I also included a troop iron-on transfer to be put on the shirt once they are washed and dried. Here are my daughters and my shirt before we added the iron on.

2 people holding up the tie-dye shirts they made

Our meeting also included some colorful snacks and decorations. My daughter and I made Thin Mint Sandwiches, which are super easy to make. Just take two Thin Mint Cookies, place icing between them to form a sandwich, and then roll the frosting edge in rainbow sprinkles. These disappeared quickly. We also served colorful crackers, a rainbow fruit arrangement, and water.

Thin Mint Sprinkle Sandwiches

plate of Thin Mint Sandwich Cookies

Girl Scout Party Ideas

collage of free Girl Scout rainbow party printables

I created some fun party style decor to match the Girl Scout Tie-Dye theme that I am sharing with you. These printables include the Girl Scout Trefoil on a tie-dye background. These freebies include a troop banner, water bottle labels, food labels, and gift bag labels. You can download these printables here.

Each girl received the badges, patches, and other goodies they earned in a white gift bag. Each bag had a name tag that was attached with a decorated clothespin.

party gift bags with colorful tags

It was a great meeting that was actually a party kick-off to the new year. The girls are very proud of their tie-dye creations and can’t wait to wear them together while camping next month. They said it was their favorite meeting we’ve ever had. Their favorite activity is Girl Scout Cookie Sales after they have learned all the cookie varieties.

rainbow party food displayed

What sort of fun has your troop done lately?

This Girl Scout Law printable will help your girls memorize the law. They will also enjoy learning the Make New Friends song.

collage of this Tie-Dye Girl Scout Party post
Yield: 16 sandwiches

Thin Mint Sprinkle Sandwiches

close up of Thin Mint Sandwich Cookies

Create fun sandwiches from everyone's favorite Girl Scout cookie.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes


  • Thin Mint Cookies
  • White Icing
  • Rainbow Sprinkles


  1. Take 2 Thin Mint Cookies and place approximately a tablespoon of icing between the cookies to form a sandwich.
  2. Roll the outside end of the sandwich in rainbow sprinkles so they stick to the icing.
  3. Serve and enjoy!

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